[Tex/LaTex] Which is the better image format for LaTeX


Suppose, I have multiple format of a image e.g. png, jpeg, jpg, svg etc. Which should I use for better looks?

Best Answer

latex has no control over this at all, it depends on the engine or driver you are using. For example tex+dvips can not include png, jpg or svg but can include bmp and eps; tex+dvipdfmx can include png and jpg (as well as pdf).; pdftex similarly can include png, jpg and pdf; as can luatex; xetex uses xdvipdfmx so can use the same graphics formats as tex+dvipdfmx.

Of the ones you mention png is good for general bitmaps, jpg for photographs and svg (which will usually be converted to pdf before inclusion) is good for scalable vector drawings, however those are features of the graphics formats so not really on topic here. Usually for scalable graphics people use eps (for latex+dvips) or pdf (for everything else)

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