[Tex/LaTex] Which font extension is better to work with XeLaTeX


I am curious to know which font extensions works better when using XeLaTeX to compile a TeX document. I have just downloaded the font Alegreya from CPAN, and it comes with a fonts folder that includes folders with the font in several formats:

afm       *.afm
enc       *.enc
map       just one file: Alegreya.map
pfm       *.pfm
tfm       *.tfm
truetype  *.ttf
type1     *.pfb
vf        *.vf

I know nothing about fonts and I didn't even know there were so many font formats out there in the wild, I have no idea what are they used for.

I tried type1 and truetype formats in my TeX document by adding:

\setmainfont[   Path              = ./alegreya/fonts/truetype/huerta/alegreya/,
                Extension         = .ttf,
                BoldFont          = Alegreya-Bold,
                ItalicFont        = Alegreya-Italic,
                BoldItalicFont    = Alegreya-BoldItalic,
                SmallCapsFont     = AlegreyaSC-Regular,
                SmallCapsFeatures = {Letters = SmallCaps},
                Numbers           = OldStyle

to the preamble of my document (same for type1 using Path = ./alegreya/fonts/truetype/huerta/alegreya/ and Extension = .pfb). Both formats work in the sense that I don't get any compilation errors and the PDF looks fine.

My question is: is there a preferred font to work with XeLaTeX that I should be using? What's the best practice regarding font embedding, if there is any? What should I use, ttf, pfb or other?


Best Answer

First let's have a look on all the files. Here is, what I guess they are (but I am no expert here...). Please also have a look on Mrs. Beeton's comment below which discusses some of my misinterpretations and gives more information on certain extensions:

  • afm: Adobe font metrics file
  • enc: Encoding file
  • map: mapping which tells TeX how .tfm fonts relate to actual type1/truetype/metafont fonts
  • pfm: Printer outline metric font file
  • tfm: TeX Font Metric file
  • ttf: TrueType Font file
  • pfb: Type 1 PostScript font file (binary)
  • vf: TeX virtual font file

The question on .ttf vs. T1 is treated here and for sure somewhere on this site as well.

.vf files are roughly TeX font metric files for 'virtual' fonts. These may be composed from characters taken from different fonts. For example, you could create a font including oldstyle figures using letters from a regular font and figures from a supplementary font. They may also tell TeX how to construct characters not present in the original font, including ligatures (e.g. ffi) and accented characters (e.g. é). Like .tfm files, they also include metric information needed for bounding boxes, italic correction, the use of ligatures (e.g. f + i -> fi) etc. Please see here for very good information on this topic.

Finally as a clear answer to your question: You should use the .ttf file here. As XeLaTeX is able to handle these fonts, you should use it. Even better would be .otf, but I do not want to open a redundant font discussion here.

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