[Tex/LaTex] Which bibliography entry type and style for document with official ID/number


I am trying to create a BibLaTex bibliography database for official reports using JabRef. Every report has mainly a title, month, year and a document number and issue.

So far I have included both last items in the same number field as shown below using the TechReport entry type.

  title  = {My document's title},
  year   = {2017},
  number = {PRO-A-1234-5678, Issue 1},
  month  = jun,

I also use Lyx with a KOMA-Script Report document type to include the bibliography. However, I have not found among the great amount of standard bibstyles, one that shows the document number (and issue) for the PDF output. Furthermore, I'd like that the style respects my upper- and lowercases, so the plain styles would not be an option, I guess.

I have therefore two questions:

  1. Is there any other better style for my bib entries that contain document official number/ID/issue than Report/TechReport as used here?
  2. Which bibliography style should I use to show that official number in my bibliography after compilation?

Best Answer

EDIT Following the comment by @moewe you can also use biblatex, using report entries with a number field. For this solution character case in the titles is preserved by default, the title is printed in italics and the comma after the issue becomes a dot - however, biblatex bibliographies are highly customizable so this can be changed if needed.


  title  = {My Document's title},
  year   = {2017},
  month  = jun,
  number = {PRO-A-1234-5678, Issue 1},

  title  = {My other Document's title},
  year   = {2017},
  month  = jul,
  number = {PRO-A-1234-5678, Issue 2},

Main file:

Citing: \cite{a,b}


enter image description here


This can be done with the plain bibliography style, using misc entries. For misc the available fields are author, title, howpublished, month, year, note, key, all optional and displayed in that order by most standard styles (see, e.g., https://nwalsh.com/tex/texhelp/bibtx-17.html, https://verbosus.com/bibtex-style-examples.html). The key field is not displayed, but can act as sorting field instead of author (as in the example below). Display of upper case characters can be forced with extra {} (also in the example).



  title  = {My Document's title},
  year   = {2017},
  month  = jun,
  howpublished = {PRO-A-1234-5678, Issue 1},
  key = {x}

  title  = {My other {D}ocument's title},
  year   = {2017},
  month  = jul,
  note = {PRO-A-1234-5678, Issue 2},
  key = {y}

Main file:

Id before date, case modified: \cite{a}

Id after date, case preserved: \cite{b}


enter image description here

See also How to control the order of fields in bibtex? for more information on customizing bibliography styles.