Chess Typesetting – How to Start Typesetting Chess with TeX


I noticed that there are already a few questions about typesetting chess but I have two very basic ones:

  1. What are currently the "best" packages to typeset chess diagrams and game scores with comments?

  2. Are any of these already included in TeXShop?

Best Answer

  1. In my opinion, the best place to start with typesetting chess diagrams would be the skak package. The package provides a means for typesetting a board, saving and restoring it and also print moves. It relies on the chessfss package that provides the board pieces.

    The easiest way to setup a board is using the \fenboard command. It allows for specifying a regular 8x8 chess board using the well-established Forsyth-Edwards Notation. For example,

    \fenboard{r5k1/1b1p1ppp/p7/1p1Q4/2p1r3/PP4Pq/BBP2b1P/R4R1K w - - 0 20}


    Chess board setup using FEN

    There is also texmate, although I am unfamiliar with its interface.

  2. TeXShop is a LaTeX IDE and is therefore actually independent from any of TeX/LaTeX's packages. You should check your distribution for this. Easiest would be to include a package and see whether your .tex source compiles. If not, install the package using the available package manager (TeX Live or MiKTeX on Windows, say).

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