[Tex/LaTex] Where does tlmgr store the packages


As given on https://www.tug.org/texlive/doc/tlmgr.html , tlmgr can be used to install packages. Where does it store these packages? Because then I can copy them to another machine for installation rather than downloading them every time. Thanks for your help.

Edit: I am using Debian Stable Linux.

Best Answer

I am trying to answer this very unclear question:

  • if you are asking where tlmgr installs the packages to, then it is the path relative to the location of tlmgr two levels up. So if the tlmgr binary is in /a/b/c/bin/x86_64-linux/tlmgr, then it will install packages into /a/b/c.
  • if you are asking where tlmgr saves downloaded packages (like latex.tar.xz etc), then this is a temporary directory that will disappear after installation. Packages are not kept for reuse.
  • if you are asking where tlmgr saves backups of packages before doing updates, then this is again relative to the location of the tlmgr binary, two levels up and then tlpkg/backup, but this can be configured with tlmgr.

Hope that helps

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