[Tex/LaTex] What to do with this hyperref note on amsmath


http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/ has this note copied below:

The environments equation and eqnarray are not supported too well.
For example, there might be spacing problems (eqnarray isn't recommended
anyway, see CTAN:info/l2tabu/, the situation for equation is unclear,
because nobody is interested in investigating). Consider using the
environments that package amsmath provide, e.g. gather for equation.
The environment equation can even redefined to use gather:


However, gather and equation environment have the spacing difference as in the answer by Will in align vs equation. Thus my question:

In a document using both hyperref and amsmath, what is the best replacement for equation?

Best Answer

You can see a spacing problem with the following example. The two equations have different spacing with hyperref, but the same spacing (as they should) without it:




This is a test to check the spacing of the equation environment. Too much?
This is a test to check the spacing of the equation environment.

This is a test to check the spacing of the equation environment. Too much?%
This is a test to check the spacing of the equation environment.


But this problem is imo not enough to stop using the equation environment. The other math environments produce too much space if the sentence before the displayed math is short:




This is a test to check the spacing of the equation environment. Too much? Foo.
This is a test to check the spacing of the equation environment.

This is a test to check the spacing of the align environment. Too much? Foo.
This is a test to check the spacing of the align environment.


which is a much more common problem.

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