[Tex/LaTex] What should be the right width of an image for each document-classes

best practicesgraphicswidth

I would like to print good images in A4 document (300 or 600 dpi). Using an external software,I have to merge differents big images to create a bigger one so I have to resize it with the same software (e.g. Gimp). I would like to know the best width (for example, for use them in a A4 report or a book class) so I can directly resize this big image to the proper size with the external software.

Best Answer

I wanted to post this as a comment, but I ran out of space.

There is always some confusion on the resolution of graphics. Usually the smaller the print gets the higher resolution is required. The dpi actually stands for dots per inch an is a printer specific detail. Graphic programs usually use ppi pixels per inch. It is often referred to as the same, but it is not.

Resizing in the source document is only a good option if you are using vector graphics, which will be directly rendered by the printer.

In all bitmap graphics you schould try to resize it with an actual graphic programm. Usually there is a connection between dots and pixels. Many common printers use 1dot(per colour) = 1 pixel, some can do more.

For an optimal result you just need to know how large your picture shall be in the document. I it is 15 inches width and your printer can do 300 dpi, and you say 1 dot = 1 px, then 4500 pixels is the desired width.

You can then include your graphic without resizing it. However, if you are not printing on a high quality printer, this is fairly unnecessary.