Differences Between \def, \edef, \gdef, and \xdef in LaTeX


I am a LaTeX guy, slowly working into the miracles of TeX.

Can anybody tell me the differences between \def, \edef, \gdef and \xdef?

Where shall I use which, what are the pros and cons? Or is it suspected to be unclean code, if I mix TeX commands in LaTeX?

Please give a short example, of how to use the command.

Best Answer

There are no pros and cons: \def and \edef perform different tasks. With

\def<cs><parameter text>{<replacement text>}

you define <cs> to look for its arguments (if any) and to be replaced by <replacement text>, which is not interpreted in any way at definition time. With

\edef<cs><parameter text>{<replacement text>}

the replacement text is fully expanded at definition time.

For instance, if we have


a call like

\bbb \ccc

would produce


because the replacement text of \ccc is what remains after full expansion, so \edef\ccc{y\aaa} is the same as \def\ccc{yaaa}.

Note that the expansion in \edef is done at definition time, so parameter tokens like #1 and so on will be untouched.

A less silly example: if you want that \thissection expands to the value of the section counter at the time the command is defined, you have to say


because this “freezes” the value by doing the expansion at definition time. To the contrary, with \def\thissection{\thesection} the macro \thissection would print the current section number.

LaTeX has the variant \protected@edef that avoids some quirks with “robust macros”, so something like \protected@edef\cs{\textbf{a}} works whereas \edef\cs{\textbf{a}} wouldn't (there's plenty of examples on the site).

About \gdef and \xdef there's not much to say: the former is completely equivalent to \global\def and the latter to \global\edef (assuming primitive meaning of \global, of course). LaTeX has \protected@xdef.