[Tex/LaTex] way to enable syntax highlighting coloring in Lyx for program listings


I want to embed a small program listing and have used Insert -> Program Listing in LyX's menu for that.

The settings dialog supports selecting a language (Java), but I can't actually see any difference.

Is there a way to get real syntax highlighting/coloring?

Best Answer

Lyx's "Insert -> Program Listing" is internally based on the listings package, which provides a a plenty full of options to influence the typesetting. You can enter such listingsoptions on the "Advanced" page of the "Listing Settings" dialog. For instance, entering


there would typeset all keywords in blue color. For a quick start take a look at other questions with the tag – or consult the (excellent!) listings documentation

The reason you do not "see any difference" in your current setup may be a font issue: The culprit is the standard typewriter font in LaTeX, which does not have a boldface version; however, the default of listings is keywordstyle=\bfseries, that is, keywords are typeset in boldface. So just try another typewriter font in "Document -> Settings -> Fonts" and see if this makes a difference.

(BeraMono is a good font for typesetting listings.)