[Tex/LaTex] way to define a newcommand that can evaluate mathematical expressions


Let's suppose that I have a very complicated function that depends on i and j.
So I define a new command, say

\newcommand{\foo}[2]{X_{i+j+1}}. % This might be an complicated expression, but I want to keep it simple

Using this definition, I can invoke this command like \foo{\alpha}{\beta} or \foo{2}{3}.
Now, what I want to get is if both of arguments are numerical values, I want to force them to evalue this expression, i.e., \foo{2}{3} should generate X_{6} instead of X_{2+3+1}. It is sometimes annoying that I should manually simplify it even though I know the full expression.

I actually feel this seems almost impossible but I anyway would like to ask in case there exists some workarounds.

Best Answer

This seems to be a job for l3regex:


  \regex_match:nnTF { [^0-9+\-] } { #1 }
   { #1 }                 % symbolic expression
   { \int_eval:n { #1 } } % only numbers, + or -



enter image description here

A version without l3regex that might be more likely accepted by publishers relying on older TeX distributions (courtesy of Bruno Le Floch):

  \cs_set_eq:NN \__sungmin_eval:n \int_eval:n
  \tl_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \tl_if_in:nnF { 0123456789+-*() } { ##1 }
      \cs_set_eq:NN \__sungmin_eval:n \use:n
  \__sungmin_eval:n { #1 }

The function \__sungmin_eval:n is tentatively set equal to \int_eval:n; then the argument is scanned token by token; if something not legal in a numeric expression is found, \__sungmin_eval:n is changed into \use:n that simply outputs the argument without any processing.

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