[Tex/LaTex] way to configure Kile to run a certain program


Version: Kile 2.1
OS: Windows 7 SP1

I wanted to delete the files that Kile generates at the time it creates a .pdf file from a given .tex file. I can easily compile a program into a .exe file (say using python) to delete all the files from the folder which don't have the extensions I need (I want to keep the .tex, .pdf files, but I haven't found a use for the files having .log .tex~ and other similar extensions).

Is there a way to assign a shortcut or maybe a button in Kile to call that kind of a .exe file?

Best Answer

In my Kile version (2.1.0) I do have a "Settings" Menu which has a "Configure Kile" entry. Then I can configure "Build" and "Tools" execute any program I like. In fact, I have it configured to use either latexmk or my Makefile. You can even add buttons to the quick menu.

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