Biblatex – Use Natbib’s \citenum in Biblatex


The natbib package provides the command \citenum, which returns just the number of the citation, unlike the typeset reference of \cite. Is a similar command available for biblatex?

Best Answer

Given that the numeric-comp style is used, it is possible to implement \citenum as follows:


It can be use with other styles as well using the labelnumber package option.


    author = {Author, First},
    title  = {Title 1},
    year   = 1993,
    month  = may,
    pages  = {10--15}

    author = {Author, Second},
    booktitle  = {Conference Title},
    title  = {Article 2},
    year   = 1975,
    month  = aug,
    pages  = {120--125}










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