Resolving ‘Command \underbar Has Changed’ Warning in LaTeX


I am using the following code and I get the warning

Command \underbar has changed.

What does this mean? How do I fix it?






    UprightFont = *,
    BoldFont = *Bold,
    ItalicFont = *It,
    BoldItalicFont = *BoldIt,
    Extension = .otf,
    Ligatures = TeX,
    Mapping = tex-text

    Mapping = tex-text







Best Answer

The warning is caused by a check sectsty runs on the definition of \underbar. If it doesn't match one of the definitions it expects, it warns you.

You can avoid this warning but I don't recommend it. The warning is telling you something important: that sectsty has found a definition of \underbar which is not what it expects and that things may not work properly.

In truth, I would recommend not using sectsty with LuaTeX/XeTeX. In particular, I wouldn't use it with unicode-math.

If you insist, for LuaTeX, you can avoid that particular warning by loading the package earlier. For XeTeX, you can avoid that warning by loading the package earlier.

For example,

    UprightFont = *,
    BoldFont = *Bold,
    ItalicFont = *It,
    BoldItalicFont = *BoldIt,
    Extension = .otf,
    Ligatures = TeX,
    Ligatures = TeX,



However, I get other warnings with LuaTeX.