LaTeX Debugging – Visual Debugging of Lengths in Paragraphs and Environments


During my searches, I found a couple of online images, which I doubt are produced with Latex – however, I found them immensely useful in understanding what is going on.

I'm pretty sure the images below were not produced automatically by latex – so I was wandering if there is a Latex package (or a method) – that would visualize demanded lengths with arrows (and possibly even length values?), like on the images below (apparently, adding them from web adds a copy on imgur; I've added the original links as well).

In the cases below, they are related to lists (enumerate/itemize) parameters – but I'd be interested in visualizing \parindent or \parskip in context of paragraphs as well.




Would there be anything out there that allows for similar visualization (possibly one that would work on a 'per page request' basis too; wouldn't want a 100 pg .pdf choke full with arrow vectors on every paragraph :))

Best Answer

One default package to display length is the package layouts. It produces black/white images with represented lengths.

For example the example below produces the following images for list-environments.

enter image description here


However the coloured images are probably made by packages like TikZ or PSTricks.