[Tex/LaTex] Vimtex: how to display error messages

compilation errorlatexmkvimwarnings

I'm using LaTeX in Vim with plugins vimtex from lervag (GitHub link), latexmk and neovim, and it works just fine as long as I'm making no mistakes.

I press \ll and compile by writing (:w) and the pdf is updated if there is no mistake; however, if I have an error in my code, the pdf just does not update, and I get no error message or anything. I checked Vim :messages, and nothing there either…

Does anyone know how to have a compilation log with these plugins (or if I should add another plugin), or at least a way to diplay error messages (and maybe warnings)?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The vimtex plugin populates the quick fix view with the errors. It should actually open automatically (by default) in a bottom split-window. It is weird that it does not for you. Invoking :copen directly should open the window. Also [q and ]q should let you iterate between errors (but this does not work very well for latex as it is hard to filter spurious and non-spurious messages in the log; LaTeX's log is a mess, in comparison to most compilers).

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