[Tex/LaTex] Very strange biblatex style in french archeology


I have many problems with a bibliography style with biblatex. And excuse my english, I'm a French student.

I would like a style like this:

enter image description here

but after a lot of research I obtained:

enter image description here

It is almost perfect but I do not manage to obtain the key in small letters, doubtless because of the babel package with the french option which puts the authors in small capitals.
After the key is sometimes stupid like that :

enter image description here

Finally I would like to remove the quotation marks of the title of article like this journal ! (for curious it's Documents d'Archéologie Méridionales (external link) )

Here are the modifications that I made in the stoneware of my researches on the Internet in my preamble and a short extract of my bibliography:

    title = {Histoire militaire des guerres puniques},
  publisher = {{\'E}dition du Rocher},
  year = {1995},
  author = {Le Bohec, Yann},
  address = {Monaco},
  entrysubtype = {sources secondaires},
  keywords = {monographie, histoire},
  lccn = {96141557},
  owner = {Axel},
  pagetotal = {337},
  timestamp = {2013.09.25}

  author = {{\relax Ph}ilippe Leveau},
  title = {Le franchissement du Rh\^one par Hannibal : le chenal et la navigation
    fluviale à la fin de l'\^Age du Fer},
  journal = {Revue archéologique},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {25-50},
  number = {35},
  entrysubtype = {sources secondaires},
    keywords = {article, histoire},
  owner = {Axel},
  shortjournal = {RA},
  timestamp = {2013.09.25}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FRANCAIS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Numbers=OldStyle]{Linux Libertine O}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %BILIOGRAPHIE  

\usepackage[                                                                                                                %BILIOGRAPHIE
                                % Configuration de la bilio

\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{maxnames=3, % Et al. quand trop de nom

\renewcommand{\mkbibnamefirst}[1]{\parentext{#1}}                                           %parenthèse de l'initiale
\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{last-first}                                                                     %rangement des noms de famille et prénoms
\renewcommand{\revsdnamepunct}{\addnbspace}                                                 %Enlève la virgule après le nom de famille quand nom inversé
\renewcommand{\multinamedelim}{\addnbspace\addcomma\addnbspace}                 %   remplace et par ","
 \renewcommand{\finalnamedelim}{\addnbspace\addcomma\addnbspace}                %   remplace et par ","






% "Et al." en ITALIQUE

\renewbibmacro*{name:andothers}{% Based on name:andothers from biblatex.def
    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames

%Enlever le tiret lorsqu'il y a une récurrence des auteurs

%Enlever les parenthèses des dates des articles
  \setunit{\addcomma\space}% NEW
%  \printtext[parens]{% DELETED
%       \usebibmacro{date}}}% DELETED
       \usebibmacro{date}}% NEW

%Met les abréviations des revues

Bigs modifications are with this line for dash and key.


Voilà! (I always dreamed to write in italics :p)

If somebody has an idea I would be extremely happy and delighted in others it would be awesome ! 😀
Thanks a lot.
Merci beaucoup.

EDIT: Yeah there are others problems with the field editor, there is "sous la direction de" and I would like "dir." after the author like that:
enter image description here

After how to change the citation in lower case with authoryear style?

Finally I can't use Linux Libertine with this style because I always have smalls caps, do you have a solution?

Edit2 : Wonderful ! It's almost perfect ! You're a genius ! 😀 Indeed, i can use xelatex and have some fancy ligatures with linux libertine 🙂

For "et al." I would like in label not in the list of author.
enter image description here
Informal in this journal sometimes we have "et al." in the key and sometimes no, like with the previous example with Py,Lopez,Asensio. I don't understand.

The ultimate edit :

I succeed to have "dir." instead "éd" and "Établit par" for ancients sources with that :

 byeditor = \iffieldequalstr{keywords}{source}% %Etablit par, pour les sources et dir. pour les inX
 {Établit\space par}%
 editor           = {dir.},
 editors          = {dir.},

But I have a annoying comma after the author.!
enter image description here
Do you have an idea to remove this ?

I'm seeing another problems… For page of books I use "pagetotal" to have : 550 p. for example, so with your code I have a final dot. Ok. But I have a dot after the date too. And with article, I don't have final dot thanks to :


So, how do I do, to have always a final dot, but a comma after date because for the moment I have this:

enter image description here

I succeed to remove the comma before "dir.", and parenthesis for proceedings, there is only this problem of dot after date and put byeditor before maintitle.

Last edit : I managed to remove the point after the date and change the order of entries inbook, incollection etc. in by modifying the order in the file standard.

Here is my last one MWE for futures generations ! XD

\usepackage[                                                                                                                %BILIOGRAPHIE
  backend=bibtex,style=authoryear, firstinits, mergedate=false, style=authoryear-ibid,maxcitenames=2, maxbibnames=999
                                % Configuration de la bilio


\renewcommand{\mkbibnamefirst}[1]{\parentext{#1}}                   %parenthèse de l'initiale

\renewcommand*{\labelnamepunct}{\space\textendash\space}      %tiret après le label

\renewbibmacro*{date+extrayear}{}%                                          rajoute date


  \renewbibmacro{in:}{%                                                                 enlève guillemets articles




  %Met les abréviations des revues

%Enlever le tiret lorsqu'il y a une récurrence des auteurs

% "Et al." en ITALIQUE

\renewbibmacro*{name:andothers}{% Based on name:andothers from biblatex.def
    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames

 %%% Histoire des noms    et al...

\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand*{\mkbibnamelast}[1]{#1}}                 %minuscule citation

\renewbibmacro*{event+venue+date}{                        %Enlève parenthèse colloque
    test {\iffieldundef{venue}}
    test {\iffieldundef{eventyear}}

 byeditor = \iffieldequalstr{keywords}{source}%                         %Etablit par, pour les sources et dir. pour les inX
 {Établit\space par}%
in = {\textit{in}},%
 editor           = {dir\adddotspace},%
 editors          = {dir\adddotspace},%
 opcit = \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{article}{art\adddotspace cit\adddot}{\emph{op\adddotspace cit}\adddot},%
idem = {\emph{idem}},%
ibidem = {\emph{ibid\adddot}},%
%pagetotal = {p\adddot},%
 %pages            = {pp\adddot},%
%enlève la virugule avant dir.
    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
%   \setunit{\addcomma\space}% DELETED
    \setunit{\addspace}% ADDED
%     \usebibmacro{#1}% DELETED
     \printtext{\usebibmacro{#1}}% ADDED
 %%modifié book pour virgule

  %Change ordre des entrées pour les in quelquechoses : 



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Best Answer

À propos du problème des noms d'auteurs en petites capitale, on peut dire à frenchb (module de babel pour le français) de ne pas adopter ce comportement en ajoutant la ligne suivante au préambule.

Regarding the problem of author names in small capital, one can tell frenchb (the babel module for French) not to do it by adding the following line to the preamble (after the call of babel and biblatex):
