[Tex/LaTex] Vertically center tikz-timing label of custom size



Once I re-size the text of my timing labels, the midpoint of the label seems to shift as indicated by the arrows from the code/image below. It aligns to the bottom of the text instead of the middle. Is there a way to center the tikz-timing label vertically?
Related question: LaTeX tikz-timing – adjust fontsize independently for each row label

\vspace does not seem like a good option


    \newcommand{\arr}[1]{#1 $\Longrightarrow$}
      \arr                              & 4D{normal} \\
      \arr{\tiny\color{red}}            & 4D{tiny} \\
      \arr{\scriptsize\color{orange}}   & 4D{script} \\
      \arr{\footnotesize\color{yellow}} & 4D{footnote} \\
      \arr{\small\color{green}}         & 4D{small} \\
      \arr{\normalsize\color{blue}}     & 4D{normal} \\
      \arr{\large\color{purple}}        & 4D{large} \\

Resulting Image

enter image description here

Why would you want to move a label around?

When using tikz-timing along with PGF syntax you might get yourself into a tight-spot where you want to move around tikz-timing labels (which are by default anchored to the bottom of the bounding box).

In the example below, vertical lines, nodes, and line labels are automatically expanded using a \foreach loop all relatively referenced to make expanding the timing diagram easier. In addition, I am taking advantage of the tikz-timing macros inside of my "analog" waveforms as well; see analog_sig1 where I wanted to illustrate an unknown analog output.

I would want to move the "critical_point" label up a little so that I could align to the staggered t0…t15 line labels/nodes.

Problem Illustration

Below is an example waveform I put together with "debug" grids, markings, and vertical lines.
enter image description here


    {\tiny\color{blue}\raisebox{1mm}{critical\_point$\Longrightarrow$}} &

enter image description here

Best Answer

As you only want to change the label of one row I added a timing/name <row>/.try style to the timing/name style. The .try handler makes it possible to not having to define a timing/name <row> style for every possible <row>.

I have used these name <row> styles twice:

  1. The timing/name 1 style sets up the label node so that the baseline is on the same height as the middle of the distance of a D slope.

The .6pt has been found empirical and covers the additional height introduced by the actual D lines.

  1. The timing/name 2 style makes use of the append after command key to actually draw that arrow with TikZ.


\newcommand{\arr}[1]{#1 $\Longrightarrow$}
\tikzset{timing/name/.append style={timing/name \the\c@tikztiming@nrows/.try}}
        timing/name 1/.append style={
            yshift=\timingdslope cm/2+.6pt,
            minimum height=\timingdslope cm,
        timing/name 2/.append style={
            yshift=\timingdslope cm/2+.6pt,
            minimum height=\timingdslope cm,
            append after command={
                \draw [line width=1.3pt,implies-] (\tikzlastnode.east) -- ++(-.25cm,0);
        \arr                              & 4D{normal} \\
        critical\_point\hspace{.3cm}       & 4D{normal} \\


enter image description here

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