[Tex/LaTex] Vertically and horizontally align image inside table

graphicshorizontal alignmenttablesvertical alignment

I have a table with two columns. The first column contains text, the second a image. Short example:


    \caption{My caption}
        \textbf{Number}   & \textbf{Images} \\ \hline
        Nr. 1 & \raisebox{.5\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{foo}}       \\ \hline
        Nr. 2 & \raisebox{.5\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{foo}}       \\ \hline


I want to center the text and image vertically and horizontally. Does anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

With help of package adjustbox you can obtain:

enter image description here

In the first row the margin above and below picture is added, in the second row the image is without added margins. The code:


    \caption{My caption}
        &   \textbf{Images} \\ 
Nr. 1   &   \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth,
                             margin=0pt 1ex 0pt 1ex,valign=m]{example-image}  \\
Nr. 2   &   \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth,valign=m]{example-image}  \\

Addendum: If you like to have horizontally centered contents also in the first table's column, than the following changes are necessary:

  • in preamble to be add \usepackage{array}
  • in table parameters the column type p{...} should be replaced by >{\centering}p{...}