[Tex/LaTex] vertical subseteq symbol in label of subfloat


Math symbols (\subseteq and \supseteq) are rotated and rendered successfully in text mode with the aid of \rotatebox{}{}.

In the commented section below, there is a problem with getting these symbols into the subfloat label. I'm using pdflatex

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (Web2C 2010)
Any ideas? Thanks.



\usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, patterns}


%\subfloat[Text $\overline{A\cup B}$,\;$\downarrow$\rotatebox{90}{$\supseteq$}]{
\subfloat[Text $\overline{A\cup B}$,\;$\downarrow$]{
 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5, auto, swap]
   \draw (-1,0) circle (1);
   \draw (2,0) circle (1);
   \node at (-2,1) [above left] {$A$};
   \node at (3,1) [above right] {$B$};

EDIT: Addition of parameter origin=c to
\subfloat[Text $\overline{A\cup B}$,\;$\downarrow$\protect\rotatebox[origin=c]{-90}{$\subseteq$}]{ Without as seen in the picture.

enter image description here

Error while compiling Runaway argument?
origin=c\caption@ifstrut {\ifhmode \@finalstrut \strutbox \fi }{}
! Paragraph ended before \Grot@box@kv was complete.
<to be read again>
l.30 ...ownarrow$\protect\rotatebox[origin=c]{-90}

Best Answer

Use \protect before \rotatebox. This prevents the early expansion of \rotatebox, see What is the difference between Fragile and Robust commands for an explanation.

\subfloat[Text $\overline{A\cup B}$,\;$\downarrow$\protect\rotatebox{90}{$\supseteq$}]{

enter image description here