[Tex/LaTex] Vertical spacing \vfill inside tcolorbox

tcolorboxvertical alignment

Why \vfill does not work inside tcolorbox? Here is my MuWE (Minimal unWorking Example)

    {   enhanced,
        space to upper,
        %borderline={0.3mm}{0mm}{black!75, dashed},
        segmentation style={black, solid, opacity=0, line width=0pt},
        colback =  black!5!white,
        colframe = black!15!white,
        sharpish corners,


             some text
             some other text


————————-PDF output is———————-

enter image description here

But \vskip does!

         some text
         \vskip 3cm
         some other text

————————-PDF output is———————-

enter image description here

Best Answer

In this case, it's a not a bug but a feature. The inner text box is decoupled from the fixed height setting for a number of reasons, e.g. lower box part support and breakability. Therefore, you cannot use \vfill, because the inner text box has no fixed height.

But, you can use a minipage with a fixed height inside the tcolorbox. You can put this minipage into the box setting options:


{   enhanced,
    space to upper,
    segmentation style={black, solid, opacity=0, line width=0pt},
    colback =  black!5!white,
    colframe = black!15!white,
    sharpish corners,
    before upper={\begin{minipage}[t][4cm]{\linewidth}},
    after upper={\end{minipage}},


    some text
    some other text


Update (16-Nov-2018):

Alternatively, the option text fill can be used to automatically insert a minipage with adapted fixed height:


{   enhanced,
    %space to upper,
    %segmentation style={black, solid, opacity=0, line width=0pt},
    colback =  black!5!white,
    colframe = black!15!white,
    sharpish corners,
    text fill,


    some text
    some other text


enter image description here