[Tex/LaTex] Vertical spacing issue on box


I'm trying to get the resheading box to be shorter in vertical space. Right now it appears that I have about 2 cm vertical space on the top and bottom of the text. How can I fix this?

Everything I think to be relevant:

\definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.85}  % Background color of title bars

        \textbf{\sffamily{\mbox{~}{\large #1} \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}

Best Answer

I would suggest you to use the features provided by the mdframed package:


\definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.85}  % Background color


        \noindent\sffamily\bfseries\large #1


enter image description here

Using aboveskip=<value>, belowskip=<value>, and/or the other options, you can highly (and easily) customize your shaded environment.