[Tex/LaTex] Vertical space between chapter title and top in book document class


Does anyone know how to change the distance between a chapter title (or table of contents title, or…) and the top of the page, when using the book document class? I'm satisfied with the rest of the typesetting, so I want to do this with minimal intervention.

Best Answer

The titlesec package provides


where (according to the package documentation) provides horizontal (via <left> and <right-sep>) and vertical (via <before-sep> and <after-sep>) spacing around the sectional command <command>. The starred version * kills the indentation of the paragraph following the title. So, for example,

\usepackage{titlesec}% http://ctan.org/pkg/titlesec
\titleformat{\chapter}{\Huge\bfseries}{\chaptername\ \thechapter}{0pt}{\vskip 20pt\raggedright}%

provides a 50pt space before and a <after-sep>=40pt|50pt space after the chapter title. The parameters were chosen similar to Stefan's answer. Here's a graphic displaying the difference - 40pt on the left and 100pt on the right:

Different titlespacing

As per the package documentation, \part and \chapter spacing can only be specified in conjunction with the \titleformat command.

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