[Tex/LaTex] Vertical line in longtable


I would like my vertical line to be slightly detached from the horizontal lines. I am using



\begin{longtable}{r | p{10cm}}

\caption{My caption 1\label{1}}\\







\textsc{Newspaper Name}&\emph{Daily Triplicate}\\







\textsc{Newspaper Name}&\emph{Eureka Times-Standard}\\







Best Answer

You may use booktabs and its toprule, midrule and bottomrule.




\begin{longtable}{@{}K | p{10cm}@{}}
\caption{My caption 1\label{1}}\\



Newspaper Name  &   \emph{Daily Triplicate}\\
Availability    &   text    \\
founded         &   date    \\
Circulation     &   number  \\
Coverage        &   text    \\
Frequency       &   text    \\


Newspaper Name  &   \emph{Eureka Times-Standard}\\
Availability    &   text        \\
founded         &   1997date    \\
Circulation     &   number      \\
Coverage        &   text        \\
Frequency       &   text        \\



As a free bonus, you get much nicer (and more correct) spacing of the rows.

EDIT: I have cleaned up the code by loading array and define a new K-column to get rid of all \textsc{} in the first column. Also @{} remove unnecessary space to the left in column 1 and to the right in column 2.

Also, I invite you to read section 2 of the booktab manual, and reconsider the use of vertical lines. enter image description here

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