[Tex/LaTex] Vertical alignment of tikzpicture with text

minipagetikz-pgfvertical alignment

I have some text, and a corresponding tikzpicture, both of which are to be part of a test question, and which are thus included as part of an \item in an enumerate environment.

Like this:

    description of question  
    question diagram  

What I want is for the text to be vertically aligned as it would be without a minipage environment, and for the top of the tikzpicture to be aligned with the top of the text.

I can obtain this alignment with the option "baseline=4cm" in tikzpicture, but this has the result of putting in a large amount of vertical white space before the item, which then has to be countered with \vspace*{-2cm}.

Is there a better, automatic, way rather than fiddling with vertical space?

Best Answer

It is a generic trick, to add a \vspace{0pt} at the beginning of the minipage environment. For example:

    description of question  
    \draw circle (1cm);