[Tex/LaTex] verselinenumbersleft with twocolumn


Situation: a poem in the verse environment of the verse package, while the entire page is set with the twocolumn option. Line numbering is enabled via \poemlines{1} and set to the left by \verselinenumbersleft.

Problem: The line numbers of the right column appear on the very left, while those of the left column don't show up at all (They might be covered by the right column's numbers?).

How do I get the line numbers of the right column to appear in between the two columns? (Hoping this would result in the reappearance of the left column numbers)

Here's a MWE:


Edit: \poemlines{1} means every line is to be numbered, the \newpage{} serves simply to make the WE a MWE … the problem is the same without it and with many more verses/lines instead.


Best Answer

For some reason, the line numbers are getting pushed waaaay over to the left in twocolumn. Anyway, this sort of works:


\vrightskip tells the environment how far over to typeset the line numbers. All I've done is nudge it back onto the page. Some tweaking may be required depending on how far over you want the numbers and so on. -10cm moves the numbers more right, -8cm moves it more to the left.

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