[Tex/LaTex] Verdana font not working


I moved from one workstation to another (both are Win7) and made exactly the same installation from the same source files: MikTeX 2.9.4813 + TeXstudio 2.6.4.

When compiling the same input *.tex files on the new workstation, I am getting the following messages in the log file:

"pdfTeX warning: pdflatex.exe (file C:/Windows/Fonts/verdana.ttf): glyph `a' not found"

and so on for all the letters.

The resulting pdf shows empty square symbols instead of all letters.

I tried newer versions of MikTeX (2.9.6069) as well as TeXstudio (2.11.2), no change.

I am using:



If I comment out the first line, the result is fine, but not with the verdana font I would like.

How could I solve the problem?

@Ulrike Fischer: sorry for my late response.

1.I do not have the tex256.enc in my new latex installation.

2.If I put one in the same place as it was found on the old installation and do as you proposed, I get the default font in the resulting pdf, not verdana.

3.If I comment out the \fontfamily{verdana}\selectfont, I still get only squares.

4.Am I the first one to use verdana font on the "newer versions of the fonts in windows"? I would say no.

I found a working solution, thanks to Bernard's proposal: comment out the lines:


add the lines:


and compile with XeLaTeX.

Best Answer

Here a rough draft what you can try to repair the problem:

  1. Find tex256.enc
  2. rename it as e.g. winfonts256.enc
  3. Replace in this file /T1Encoding [ with /winfontsT1Encoding [
  4. Replace the glyph names by uniXXXX where XXXX is the unicode number of the glyph, e.g. /A by /uni0041 and /a by /uni0061 (there are 256 glyph, so it is some work involved.

After some replacements you can test it like this:


\pdfmapline{= rjvnr8t Verdana " winfontsT1Encoding ReEncodeFont " <[winfonts256.enc <verdana.ttf}



I made two replacements and so get now this output:

enter image description here

You probably will have to do something similar for ts1-winfonts.enc. All the map entries that you will have to adapt can be found in pdftex.map.