[Tex/LaTex] Venn Diagram using tikz


I saw the question mentioned in here which the moderator considered mine duplicate. However, I couldn't see how mine is duplicate. My main problem is to write the text in the intersection of CAT B and CAT C.

I am trying to create the following Venn diagram.
enter image description here

Following is my code and output:

\begin{scope}[blend group = soft light]
\fill[red!30!white]   ( 90:1.2) circle (2);
\fill[green!30!white] (210:1.2) circle (2);
\fill[blue!30!white]  (330:1.2) circle (2);
\node at ( 90:2)    {CAT A};
\node at ( 210:2)   {CAT B};
\node at ( 330:2)   {CAT C};
\node [font=\small] {text1, text2, text3, text4};

enter image description here

Best Answer

I provide two examples. The first has a different layout compared to what you posted because I recycled something I had done previously. The second example uses the venndiagram package.

This is the code:


\tikzset{venn circle/.style={draw=gray,text opacity=1,fill opacity=0.25,circle,minimum width=10cm,fill=#1,line width=2pt}}
\tikzset{label/.style={text width=1.5cm,font=\large\sffamily}}


    \begin{scope}[blend mode=screen]
          \node [venn circle = yellow] (A) at (0,0) {};
          \node [label] (A1) at (-2.5,0) {Cat A};
          \node [venn circle = green] (B) at (5,0) {};
          \node [label] (B1) at (7.5,0) {Cat B};  
          \node [venn circle = orange] (C) at (2.5,5) {};
          \node [label] (C1) at (2.5,6.25) {Cat C};
% Use a tabular to stack the text
          \node [label] (D) at (5,3.75){\begin{tabular}{l} text1,\\text2,\\text3,\\text4 \end{tabular}};

                         tikzoptions={text opacity=1,fill opacity=0.25},
                         labelOnlyBC={\begin{tabular}{l} text1,\\text2,\\text3,\\text4 \end{tabular}}]


This is the result: enter image description here enter image description here

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