[Tex/LaTex] Vector notation in siunitx


I'm trying to use the siunitx package to format a number which is a vector (using \hat{x} to represent a vector in the x direction). Using \hat{x} leads to complaints about invalid tokens.

After seeing this question, I tried including



to my preamble. Then, I get siunitx error: "misplaced-sign-token" Misplaced sign token '+'.

For completeness, here's what I am trying now:





\vec{F} = \SI{-3.24e-20\hatx + 4.56e-18\haty}{\newton}


Any ideas how I can get this kind of thing to work properly?

Best Answer

One way to do this is to simply use:

\vec{F} = (\num{-3.24e-20}\hatx + \num{4.56e-18}\haty) \,\si{\newton}

enter image description here






    \vec{F} = (\num{-3.24e-20}\hatx + \num{4.56e-18}\haty) \,\si{\newton}