[Tex/LaTex] Variant of $\leq$ (less or equal)-symbol


I am looking for a way to include a \leq that (to me) is less ugly. In the font I am using \leq simply produces a < with an underline, but in my handwriting the lower "arm" of the < would be parallel to the lower line.

To give you an impression of what I am aiming for here is a hack:


which produces

faux leq

obviously the lines are mismatched and also the angle is way to wide to look acceptable.

So, is anyone aware of a better solution (or a font that regularly draws \leq in the way I am looking way to "borrow" it from)?

EDIT: @percusse : I don't know how to include an image in a comment. Is your point that \fauxleq is ugly? I know that, that's why I search for a better alternative
fauxleq vs leq

Best Answer

I find this a very bad idea, but the customer's always right.



    \sbox0{$\mathsurround=0pt #1\leq$}%


$A\fauxleq B_{\fauxleq}$

$A\leq B_{\leq}$


enter image description here