[Tex/LaTex] Using XITS with pdflatex


I'd like to use the upper integral symbol \upint. Since by default this symbol is not defined, I'd like to use the XITS font in a LaTeX document. When using the STIX font one could simply




doesn't work. I tried using unicode-math but it doesn't work with pdflatex.

/edit: I found \upint in the mathop section of this document: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/unicodetex/latex/unicode-math/unimath-symbols.pdf
Does it mean that I can use the \upint unicode symbol without an explicit usepackage?

Best Answer

You can use the upint option for stix:



With the \texttt{upint} option, the integral is not
\int f(x)\,dx
There are \verb|\intup| and \verb|\intsl|, but the
package documentation recommends sticking to
\intsl f(x)\,dx


enter image description here

If you just want the symbols while keeping the fonts, you can do like this:



\DeclareMathSymbol{\intop}  {\mathop}{integrals}{"AF}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\iintop} {\mathop}{integrals}{"B0}



\int f(x)\,dx + \int_a^b f(x)\,dx + \iint\limits_D f(x,y)\,dx\,dy


enter image description here