[Tex/LaTex] Using the Subcaption package changes caption font


I'm using the SIGCHI conference paper template, and having an issue with the subcaption package. When I don't include it, the template makes the figure captions look like this (the way they are supposed to):

enter image description here

But when I include it, the captions look like this (even if it's just a regular figure, not a subfigure):

enter image description here

I cannot figure out how to make the captions with the subcaption package look like they're supposed to for the template. Here's the MWE:




Any suggestions for how to force the caption font to the one specified by the template?

Best Answer

This looks fairly close.

enter image description here

\captionsetup[figure]{font={bf,small},skip=0.6\baselineskip, labelsep=period}