[Tex/LaTex] Using tabularx in a custom environment – “misplaced \noalign”



Currently, I'm trying to shorten the creation of small tabularx-tables with pre-defined headers, but somehow, trying to use the tabularx-environment, even though I used the \tabularx and \endtabularx commands, inside my own yields to errors I fail to understand.

My current approach:

    \tabularx{\textwidth}{|l| c c c |}%
         & Heading & Heading & Heading \\%

This was supposed to ease table creation such that writing

    item1 & item2 & item3 & item4\\

would be enough.

However, while I don't get errors when defining the environment, using it gets me the error Misplaced \noalign \end{predtable}.

Working example

\usepackage[top=2.5cm, left=2.5cm, bottom=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[pagewise, modulo]{lineno}
 \tabularx{\textwidth}{|l| C C C |}%
       & Heading 1 & Heading 1 & Heading 1 \tabularnewline%
    \begin{predtable}{Caption goes here!}
        Label & Contents & go & here!\tabularnewline

line 26: Misplaced \noalign \end{predtable}

Best Answer

Placing any alignment material (including \hline) in the end clause here doesn't work, I think because of the way tabularx scans ahead for the table material.

Fortunately there is a much easier approach using the environ package. First a simple basic example:

Simple example



 \begin{tabularx}{0.9\textwidth}{|l| XXX |}
       & Heading 1 & Heading 1 & Heading 1 \tabularnewline


  Label & Contents & go & here!\tabularnewline


The environ package collects the text of the new environment up in a command \BODY which can then be inserted in to some other code. This enables us to write a block that looks like a usual \begin{xtabular}...\end{xtabular}. I have reduced the width of the table, just to avoid overfull boxes.

For your case, very much the same works, and we can pass your caption argument too:

Sample output


\usepackage[top=2.5cm, left=2.5cm, bottom=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}





 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l| C C C |}
   & Heading 1 & Heading 1 & Heading 1 \tabularnewline

\usepackage{lipsum} %For demonstration text



\begin{predtable}{Caption goes here!}
  Label & Contents & go & here!\tabularnewline



The lipsum package has been added so we get some text to demonstrate the line numbering, notice the extra \par command. I have also put some vertical space after the table so it doesn't run up against the followin text. However, I would seriously consider wrapping it in say a center environment instead, which would itself provide some vertical spacing.