[Tex/LaTex] Using string conditionals to determine document class


I am trying to set up a set of templates for most of the styles I have created or collected. Right now I am using a bunch of LaTeX files with the \input{} and setting variables with \def. What I am looking to accomplish is to have the template setup execute a series of steps depending on the variable sent. For example.

My main document will have something like this on the first couple of lines.

\def\doctype{letter} % this could also be a book, article, beamer presentation, etc.

Based on the doctype I want to get my template setup to select the right document class. I know of the xstring or xifthen packages, but since I want to use the doctype variable to select the right document class, this is not possible (since you cannot use a package before \documentclass). Can somebody please help me?

Best Answer

I will use a general class file that can load the specific class as an option and create a boolean type test for all the different classes. The following is just a first try. It can be enhanced with keyvalues, etc.

Edit 1: Add command \ClassList to provide your own class list.

%%%% generalclass.cls %%%%

\ProvidesClass{generalclass}[2012/04/19 v0.1 General class (DNJ ELS)]


    \def\@clsopt@select{#1}%-------------------- default class
    \edef\@clsopt@list{\zap@space#2 \@empty}%--- list of classes
    \@for\CurrentOption:=\@currclass@opt\do{%--- Go through documents options



\providecommand*\ClassDefault{article}                   % Edit 1
\providecommand*\ClassList{article,report,book,letter}   % Edit 1
\DeclareClassList{\ClassDefault}{\ClassList}             % Edit 1 


It can then be used as follows:


%---- [ Put this in template for \input{} ] -------------
\documentclass[\DocType,\FontSize, \PaperSize]{generalclass}
%% Usage
%---- [ End template ] ----------------------------------

    This class is: \ThisClass \par
    This is \IfClass{article}{an}{not an} article class document\par
    This is \IfClass{report}{a}{not a} report class document\par
    This is \IfClass{book}{a}{not a} book class document\par
    This is \IfClass{letter}{a}{not a} letter class document\par
    This is \IfClass{memoir}{a}{not a} memoir class document\par
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