[Tex/LaTex] Using “moderncv” package, the \cvitemwithcomment command gives error


I'm trying to create my personal CV using moderncv package but I'm getting an error: in language skills section I'd like to insert a table resuming my skills using the code as follows

\cvitemwithcomment{Italian}{Mother tongue}{}
            \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Understanding} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Speaking}          & Writing \\ \hline
            Listening         & Reading        & Spoken interaction & Spoken production & -       \\ \hline
            C1                & C1              & C1                 & B2                & B2      \\ \hline
            \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Understanding} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Speaking}          & Writing \\ \hline
            Listening         & Reading        & Spoken interaction & Spoken production & -       \\ \hline
            B2                & B2              & B1                 & B1                & B1      \\ \hline

However, while compiling I get these repeated errors:

Environment table undefined. \end{table}}{} 
\begin{document} ended by \end{table}. \end{table}}{} 
\begin{minipage} on input line 131 ended by \end{table}. \end{table}}{}

and compilation is blocked.
Could someone give me some hint to solve this problem?

Best Answer

Don't use float environments, such as table or figure, in moderncv; since it makes no sense to have floating objects in a CV, they are not implemented by the class: notice also that the length \tabcolsep is not set by the class, so it has 0pt as value; you need to change it using something like


otherwise, there will be no separation between columns in tabular material. Your code with those recommendations:






\cvitemwithcomment{Italian}{Mother tongue}{}
            \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Understanding} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Speaking}          & Writing \\ \hline
            Listening         & Reading        & Spoken interaction & Spoken production & -       \\ \hline
            C1                & C1              & C1                 & B2                & B2      \\ \hline
            \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Understanding} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Speaking}          & Writing \\ \hline
            Listening         & Reading        & Spoken interaction & Spoken production & -       \\ \hline
            B2                & B2              & B1                 & B1                & B1      \\ \hline


As a side note, your tables have too many lines. Here I changed the tables slightly and used the features provided by the booktabs package:






\cvitemwithcomment{Italian}{Mother tongue}{}
            \multicolumn{2}{c}{Understanding} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Speaking}          & Writing \\ \midrule
            & & Spoken & Spoken & \\
            Listening         & Reading        &  interaction &  production & -       \\             C1                & C1              & C1                 & B2                & B2      \\ \bottomrule
            \multicolumn{2}{c}{Understanding} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Speaking}          & Writing \\ \midrule
            & & Spoken & Spoken & \\
            Listening         & Reading        & interaction & production & -       \\ \hline
            B2                & B2              & B1                 & B1                & B1      \\ \bottomrule


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