[Tex/LaTex] Using \maketitle twice in the same article


I need to write a single, short PDF file that contains two distinct parts. I don't want to mess with PDF joins and hacks, as I need both parts to share page numbers, citations, etc. However, I want to use an article-like style for the sections and so on – A report style is an overkill. Is there a way to run \maketitle twice on the same document? Without additional hacks it yields no result (since that it is redefined to \relax after the first expand).

Best Answer

I believe the titling package does what you want.

From documentation:

The package inhibits the normal automatic cancellation of titling commands after \maketitle. This means that you can have multiple instances of the same, or perhaps different, titles in one document. Hooks are provided so that additional titling elements can be defined and printed by \maketitle.

If you want to shrink the amount of room your title takes up (apparently titling increases it slightly) you can add \setlength{\droptitle}{-1in}. This decreases the vertical space above your title by an inch. You can set it to whatever you like.

You can also redefine \pretitle \posttitle and similar commands to include less vertical space between elements of the title. Do so with care, you don't want to cramp your title too much. See the documentation for examples.