[Tex/LaTex] Using handwriting font in proofs


I read several posts but still could not figure out how to do the following. I want to use handwriting font, say, Augie font, within proof environment. I installed the package emerald. Then I read someone suggested to define a new environment like


I could not make it work since I could not find its font family in the first place. Could any one provide me with a concrete example, please? Thank you! Here is the codes I have at the moment.


\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps, .pdf, .jpeg, .png}








\section{Question One}

  Some text in the new font.


Best Answer

You have these options:

Use \newenvironment{myfont}{\fontfamily{augie}\selectfont}{\par}

Then it boils down to

  Some text in the new font.

Or use the switch \ECFAugie

  Some text in the new font.

Full code:


\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps, .pdf, .jpeg, .png}








\section{Question One}

  Some text in the new font.

  Some text in the new font.


enter image description here

You may use etoolbox and its macro \AtBeginEnvironment to hook in to the proof environment so that some typing is saved. That is a different story.

Bonus: Some hand written fonts.

\usepackage{emerald}% 1
\usepackage{aurical}% 2
\usepackage{pbsi}% 3

%\usepackage{chancery}%Zapf chancery font

\newcommand{\setfont}[2]{{\fontfamily{#1}\selectfont #2}}
\noindent\setfont{frc}{\Huge This is french cursive font.}\\[5pt]
\setfont{calligra}{\Huge This is Calligra font.}\\[5pt]
\setfont{pzc}{\Huge This is chancery font.}\\[5pt]
 %{\Huge\itshape This is chancery italic font.}\\[5pt]
\section{Augie} {\ECFAugie This is Augie font --1.}\\[5pt]
\section{Auriocus Kalligraphicus} {\Fontauri This is Auriocus Kalligraphicus font --2.}\\[5pt]
\section{BrushScriptX-Italic} {\bsifamily This is BrushScriptX-Italic font --3.}\\[5pt]


enter image description here

This is for Nasser. As Jim Hefferon and LaRiFaRi said i comments, you can download a free font (from here, and here, say) and use xelatex or lualatex to get what you want.


]{Stylus ITC TT}

  This is some TEXT.

enter image description here