[Tex/LaTex] Using endfloat package but keep appendix at the end


Suppose I have the following article:

\usepackage[nolists, tabhead, fighead]{endfloat}

\section{Section} This is the start of a section:

    Test & Test & Test & Test\\ 
    Test & Test & Test & Test\\ 


This is the start of another section:

\section*{Appendix A: Construction of Index}

We construct the index from .........


I am using endfloat package so tables are pushed towards the end. However, I want the appendix to be at the last page just after tables. Is there a way of doing it and still use endfloat package?

Best Answer

You can use \processdelayedfloats:

\usepackage[nolists, tabhead, fighead]{endfloat}


This is the start of a section.

    Test & Test & Test & Test\\ 
    Test & Test & Test & Test\\ 


This is the end of the section.

\clearpage % ensure all floats are processed

\section*{Appendix A: Construction of Index}

We construct the index from .........

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