[Tex/LaTex] Using Beamer bullets in poster


I am creating a LaTeX poster with the Baposter template, and would like to use the Beamer 3D bullet as my itemize bullet, like the one shown below:

enter image description here

Is there any way to achieve that?

Best Answer

Thanks to @prettygully's comment and How to create a ball shading and to customize 3D lighting manually?, this is what I have achieved:

enter image description here




  \tikz{\useasboundingbox (-0.2em,-0.32em) rectangle(0.2em,0.32em);
        \draw[ball color=blue,shading=ball,line width=0.03em] (0,0) circle(0.18em);}}

  \item Item 1.
  \item Item 2.
  \item Item 3.
  \item Item 4.