[Tex/LaTex] Using aligned and align without amsmath


I am currently working on a proceedings paper, and have realised after finishing it that only specific packages are permitted – one of which is not amsmath. As a result, many of the nice equations that I have written can now no longer be built. To save me switching back to \begin{cases} \end{cases} and giving up, I thought I would try asking on here to see if anyone could provide me with a solution?

I cannot define add any new commands before \begin{document}, so everything must be done after that point. I thought about trying to grab the relevant components from the style file, but to be perfectly honest I am not a TeX-wizard and have no idea whether this would even work.Could anyone provide me with a work-around, so that I can still use align and aligned, but by doing so after \begin{document}?

If it helps, the packages I am permitted to use are:


Edit: An MWE is as follows:






\mathcal{R} \colon= -\Delta u &= f  \quad & &\text{in} \,\, \Omega \\ u &= 0 \quad & &\text{on} \,\, \partial\Omega, \end{aligned} \right.


Best Answer

To avoid needing to edit the existing doc you can defined a poor man's aligned as follows (but first try to get the rules changed)

enter image description here






\mathcal{R} \colon= -\Delta u &= f  \quad & &\text{in} \,\, \Omega \\ u &= 0 \quad & &\text{on} \,\, \partial\Omega, 

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