[Tex/LaTex] Using “ä”, “ö” and “ü” with glossaries-Package


I am trying to write my 'Matura work' for school in LaTeX. Therefore I am using MacTeX and Texshop and normally it works pretty fine.

But at the moment I have some trouble with a glossary entry:

\newglossaryentry{gloss:iosgerät}{name={\emph{iOS-Gerät}},description={iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad und Apple TV werden mit iOS betrieben. In dieser Arbeit wird Apple TV jedoch nicht gemeint, wenn von iOS-Geräten die Rede ist.}}

Picture of console-output:


Some days ago I read that Xindy can help to fix issues like this but I have no Idea how to use Xindy instead of MakeIndex.

I should have a engine like this:

bfname=$(dirname "$1")/"`basename "$1" .tex`"
makeindex -s "$bfname".ist -t "$bfname".alg -o "$bfname".acr "$bfname".acn
makeindex -s "$bfname".ist -o "$bfname".gls -t "$bfname".glg "$bfname".glo

Please help me.

Best Answer

The first argument of \newglossaryentry is just a symbolic name; in these, as in the argument to \label, no accented letter should be used.


  description={iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad und Apple TV werden
               mit iOS betrieben. In dieser Arbeit wird Apple
               TV jedoch nicht gemeint, wenn von iOS-Geräten
               die Rede ist.}

That key will never appear in your document and is used only for internal references.

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