[Tex/LaTex] Use of Tikzpicture and Includegraphics


The following codes output only the line but the figures are disappeared. Could anybody suggest how to force both the drawn line and the figures in the output? Many thanks!


\put(210,75){\draw (30,0)--(30,5);}

\caption[$Set\:1$: Velocity profile normalized by maximum velocity]{$Set\:1$: Velocity profile normalized by maximum velocity.}

Best Answer

The figures reappeared if you use the tikzpictureenvironment inside the \put command instead of directly nested in the picture environment:

\put(210,75){\begin{tikzpicture}\draw (30,0)--(30,5);\end{tikzpicture}}

or simpler

\put(210,75){\tikz\draw (30,0)--(30,5);}

However, I would not mix TikZ and the picture environment. I would use just TikZ.