[Tex/LaTex] Use of tabu/tabularx and threeparttable with apa6


I am trying to use an earlier solution posted here which combines the tabu and threeparttable to stretch table columns according to \textwidth. However, as soon as I change the article class to apa6 the earlier solution produces errors.



    \begin{tabu} to .4\textwidth {XX}
        a & b   \\\toprule
        0 & 1   \\\bottomrule
        \item[*] This is a long table note text, long enough to exceed the table's width.


The errors are:

Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \end{tabu}
Undefined control sequence. \end{document}

My question: How to stretch a tables with apa6 when also including tablenotes? That is, I am not bound to the tabu or threeparttable class, but it seems easiest to me.

As tabularx was suggested as an alternative, it also produces a compilation error when used together with threeparttable and apa6 (but again not when using only the article class).



    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth} {XX}
        a & b   \\\midrule
        0 & 1   \\\bottomrule
        \item[*] This is a long table note text, long enough to exceed the table's width.



Undefined control sequence. \end{document}
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in alignment

Best Answer

Using ˙apa6 require to use \shorttitle{Some title} in preamble. If you not need it, than it is suffice to add \shorttitle{}:

\shorttitle{}% short title, can be empty but not deleted

\usepackage{lipsum}% only for test purpose


        a & b   \\  \midrule
        0 & 1   \\  \bottomrule
        \item[*] This is a long table note text, long enough to exceed the table's width.


enter image description here

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