[Tex/LaTex] Use citeauthor with a bibliography style other than plainnat


I am trying to use \citeauthor from the natbib package with a bibliography style that is provided by a journal. Is this possible? I looked at plainnat.bst, but I didn't see any instances of \citeauthor that I was hoping to just copy into mystyle.bst.

I saw this thread:
Using \citeauthor in custom bibliography style

but don't understand the solution.

Here are some demo tex/bib files:

When I use \bibliographystyle{ieee}, I get "author undefined" errors on the \citeauthor lines. It works fine if I use \bibliographystyle{plainnat}.

Is it possible to use \citeauthor with this IEEE style?

Best Answer

The answer is no: natbib needs specially shaped bibliography styles for being able to extract the authors' names.

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