[Tex/LaTex] Use another monospaced font


I want to use a different monospaced font for \texttt. I'm particularly fond of Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. If possible, not with XeTeX, since I'm not yet really familiar with it. Solutions using XeTeX would still be welcome, of course.

I hope this doesn't violate the one-question policy:

  1. How do I change the monospaced fonts invoked by \texttt{foo bar baz...}?
  2. Where can I find a list of other fonts that I can use without invoking XeTeX?

Best Answer

for font support out of the box with your tex distribution, check out https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/

for monospaced, inconsolata is quite nice i think.

install the package, then load it up:


A working example looks like this:




this is a \texttt{mono spaced font example}.


bera mono is somewhat close to bitstream mono. load it up like this:


for xetex or xelatex, you need the fontspec package, and the font installed to your system, then load the font with fontspec:

\setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{Courier New}

A working example in xelatex looks like this:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\RequireXeTeX %Force XeTeX check

%XeLaTeX packages
\usepackage{fontspec} %Font package

%Select fonts
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Myriad Pro}
\setmonofont{Bitstream Vera Mono}


\textrm{Ya! System} \texttt{fonts are} \textsf{so nice!}
