[Tex/LaTex] Usage of \vspace command from top of the page

vertical alignment

I am triying to write my thesis in Latex. I want to create a title page. In my title page i have some space with the texts. I tried to give it with \vspace but it works between text not from top of the page. Can you suppose me a way to do this?

enter image description here

Best Answer

In order to add space at the top of the page you have to say


because the simple \vspace is removed at page breaks.

If you want precise positioning with respect to the page margins, you can use textpos. For instance





\makebox[0pt][l]{Text at the top}

\makebox[0pt][l]{Text in the middle}

\makebox[0pt][l]{Text at the bottom}



enter image description here

Another example, for centering the texts with respect to the page borders:





Text at the top

Text in the middle\\
with new line

Text at the bottom\\
with new line



enter image description here

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