[Tex/LaTex] URLs with % signs in them in bibtex files: how to get corect links after compiling with biber/biblatex


I have a bibtex file entry with a URL field so:

url = {{http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0025-570X\%28198912\%2962\%3A5\%3C291\%3AHRATQS\%3E2.0.CO\%3B2-8}}

where I have manually escaped each percent sign with a backslash.

It compiles correctly with biblatex/biber but the resulting hyperlink in the document still has the escaped percentage sign and does not link correctly to the website.

Is there a workaround for this problem?

Thank you.

Best Answer

You don't have to escape the %, the url field is printed verbatim, so there won't be a problem. Hence, just remove the backslashes before the percentage signs.