[Tex/LaTex] Upper case chapter titles, sections, subsections, list of tables and figures in the table of contents

table of contents

I used the resources here and it worked for me but still have errors on the list of tables and figures: Upper case chapter titles in the table of contents?. I am using a document class prepared by D. Leif Anderson \documentclass[nosmallcaps,toccaps,12pt]{csuthesis}.

My modification:

\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

\def\@section[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

\def\@subsection[#1]#2#3{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

Your help is a lot appreciated…

Best Answer

DISCLAIMER: The following answer only makes sense in this particular case (if at all), with the double-patched document class csuthesis.cls. The lines below are workarounds for workarounds for ...

\xpatchcmd\maketitle{\scshape Abstract}{ABSTRACT}{}{}
\xpatchcmd\maketitle{\scshape Acknowledgements}{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}{}{}
  {\indentlabel{\@ifnotempty{#2}{\MakeUppercase{\ignorespaces#1} #2.\quad}}%
  {\indentlabel{\MakeUppercase{#1}\@ifnotempty{#2}{ #2}.\quad}%
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}
\def\@caption #1[#2]{\orig@caption#1[\MakeUppercase{#2}]}

enter image description here enter image description here

\xpatchcmd\maketitle{\scshape Abstract}{ABSTRACT}{}{}
\xpatchcmd\maketitle{\scshape Acknowledgements}{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}{}{}
  {\indentlabel{\@ifnotempty{#2}{\MakeUppercase{\ignorespaces#1} #2.\quad}}%
  {\indentlabel{\MakeUppercase{#1}\@ifnotempty{#2}{ #2}.\quad}%
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}
\def\@caption #1[#2]{\orig@caption#1[\MakeUppercase{#2}]}
\title{The Title of This Thesis}
\author{The Author}
\departmentname{The Department Name}
\gradterm{The Grad Term}
\advisor{The Advisor}
\committee{The Committee}
This is the abstract.
This is the abstract.
\caption{figure one}
\subsection{One one}
\caption{table one}
\subsection{One two}
\caption{figure two}
\caption{table two}
\subsection{Two one}
\subsection{Two two}
\subsection{One one}
\subsection{One two}
\subsection{Two one}
\subsection{Two two}