[Tex/LaTex] underfull vbox (badness 10000) with memoir


Sorry if this question has been asked very often, but I can't easily find an answer to my specific question.

I am using XeLaTeX and the memoir class to produce a rather long document (100 pages) with many sections, some of them less than a page. I get very many underfull vbox errors:

Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [1]

because the section title sometimes fall on page boundary. This forces XeLaTeX to insert ugly whitespace before section titles (see MWE below). I have seen many tutorials on how to manually fix this, but due to the length of the document and the fact that it is changing often, this is not very productive.

So my question is: Is there a way to tell XeLaTeX to automatically increase interline spacing (or do other tricks) to automatically fix the underfull vbox errors?

MWE below:

\usepackage[hmargin={2.5cm, 2.5cm}, vmargin={3.5cm,3.5cm}, headheight=1.5em]{geometry}






Best Answer

This is beause memoir runs under \flushbottom and since the Hello3 header is moved to the next page, memoir finds it ideal to do a massive stretch. It has nothing to do with xelatex does the same under pdflatex.

Try adding


to your preamble, that helps

BTW: memoir has its own build in margin interface