[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence : maketitle() in overleaf , EMNLP 2020


I am getting "Undefined control sequence error in OVERLEAF while using EMNLP-2020 template. It works fine and produces the required output, but I cant upload to arxiv due to the error. Any suggestions please…

the code is:


\aclfinalcopy % Uncomment this line for the final submission
%\def\aclpaperid{***} %  Enter the acl Paper ID here

\title{This is the title  for EMNLP-2020}

\author{{ABC, PQR \and XYZ}\\
\institute{Department of 1234, University of 1234}\\
\email{\{ abc.abc, pqr.pqr, xyz.xyz\}@1234.xx.xx}}



This is the test document

And it shows the following error

Best Answer

remove the undefined \institute and \email macros from your title:


\aclfinalcopy % Uncomment this line for the final submission
%\def\aclpaperid{***} %  Enter the acl Paper ID here

\title{This is the title  for EMNLP-2020}

\author{ABC, PQR \and XYZ\\
Department of 1234, University of 1234\\
\{abc.abc, pqr.pqr, xyz.xyz\}@1234.xx.xx



This is the test document


enter image description here