[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence error in latex when writing equations and using new command


I have defined parameters using \newcommand and then I wrote some equations in my Latex document . But I got an error which is undefined control sequence :

\newcommand{\myr}{r} % the same for the time
\newcommand{\rp}[1]{\cost_{\text{p},#1}} %rest to be payed
\newcommand{\ci}[1]{\cost_{\text{I},#1}}     %cost yearly interest
\newcommand{\rb}{\myr_{\text{B}}} %repayment for the bank
\LC = \sum_{\myy=0}^{\lifetime}{\NPC-\rp{\myy}}+\ct
\rb= \frac{\ct}{\lifetime} 

these are more equations with the same errors.

        \rp{\myy-1} - \rb & , \myy\in\myofbrace{0,\dots,\lifetime} \\
         \ct - \rb & , \myy=0
%it is illustrated by this equation:
       \rp{\myy-1} \interest & , \myy\in\myofbrace{0,\dots,\lifetime} \\
       \ct \interest & , \myy=0
% t = rest to be payed t-1 * interest rate
\item $\LC$: Total net present cost.
\item $\myy$: The year index.
\item $\lifetime$: The lifetime of the project.
\item $\NPC$: The operating cost of year 0.
\item $\rp{\myy}$: The rest to be payed for the bank for year $\myy$.
\item $\rp{\myy-1}$: The rest to be payed for the bank for year $\myy-1$.
\item $\ct$:  The capital cost.
\item $\rb$: The repayment for the bank every year.
\item $\ci{\myy}$: The yearly cost interest.
\item $\interest$: The interest rate of the bank. 

Best Answer

The error message in the log does show which command is undefined (\lifetime and \NPC) After I had fixed the unrelated errors such as missing \documentclass and mis-placed \begin{document} the log file clearly shows the issue

! Undefined control sequence.
l.19 \LC = \sum_{\myy=0}^{\lifetime

I defined \lifetime and \NPC here so it runs without error but I do not know what definition you intended.


\newcommand{\myr}{r} % the same for the time
\newcommand{\rp}[1]{\cost_{\text{p},#1}} %rest to be payed
\newcommand{\ci}[1]{\cost_{\text{I},#1}}     %cost yearly interest
\newcommand{\rb}{\myr_{\text{B}}} %repayment for the bank
\LC = \sum_{\myy=0}^{\lifetime}{\NPC-\rp{\myy}}+\ct
\rb= \frac{\ct}{\lifetime} 